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Private Yacht Security

Your floating asset is a soft target exposing you and your family to a myriad of unknown threats including kidnapping for ransom, theft, hijacking, murder, vandalism, and unrecognised surveillance.

As criminal actors come to understand that private yachts and their crew are much easier targets for attack, it is clear that they pose a great threat now more than ever due to far grander payouts and rewards. Private yacht owners and their crews face increased piracy threats around the globe, including many popular ports such as; Mexico, the Caribbean, the coast of Florida, South Pacific, Singapore, Maldives the Mediterranean, Malaysia, Africa, Gulf of Suez, Oman, Aden or the Arabic Sea. Pirates now view the vessel, cargo and crew as a single commodity and know they can demand a much higher fee during the ransom negotiation.

There are mixed views when it comes to perceived threats to private yachts, many believe that piracy is fundamentally the security issue that is most likely to affect such assets. Others will inform owners that the physical securing of the yacht along with its treasures is the ultimate worry, yet private yacht managers will highlight that the biggest threat to the vessel is the crew, where as most celebrities will tell you that while on board a private yacht it is actually the paparazzi that pose the greatest risk. Yacht Interior

When it comes to piracy, most private yacht owners are only too aware of the physical threats to their precious assets, interestingly enough little is left to chance when it comes to protecting their vulnerable yachts against piracy. Many owners now invest in a variety of security equipment and security measures. Some arm their vessels with the most sophisticated, military standard security gear, including escape pods, former Special Forces security operatives, blinding lasers, long-range acoustic devices, citadels and even submarines. Feeling safe and protected at sea has never been more important, however I would argue that utilizing a professional and well-trained Maritime Security Team is more than adequate.

It seems there is not a week that goes by without a report of an attack. The use of dependable maritime security managers and specialists has many benefits, they can provide security intelligence; advice; crew training; vessel hardening and a physical presence on board with the option of the use of arms should it become absolutely necessary which would depend on law, legislation and jurisdiction relating to the waters the private yacht is transiting through. Suffice to say, weapons that are carried these days are very rarely used, the real value of a maritime security team lies in giving private yacht owners, officers and crew the confidence and support they need.

So how does piracy affect the private yacht industry? Is it possible for an owner to have a Maritime Security detail on board without it being intrusive, or affecting his or her family’s enjoyment whilst on board? Is it reasonable for a crew to be sailing in these areas in the first place without sufficient protection? Again this boils down to the professionalism and discretion of a reputable and well trained security manager and / or security team.  Their mission will be to combat the threat of piracy, criminal activity and maritime terrorism while continually reporting directly to the Captain on all matters relating to security of the vessel, crew and safe passage while in transit, as well as frequently obtaining the latest in maritime intelligence during pre-deployment, transit and at port. Their duties can include security surveys, risk assessments, crisis management as well as creating and implementing comprehensive security plans and coordinating the liaison between relevant agencies and authorities especially in high-risk areas.

Wide ranging research from multiple security and security training companies indicate that private yacht owners are turning to Security Managers and Maritime Security Officers more frequently in recent years amid fears of an escalation in Maritime crime due to the growing instability that continually takes place in a range of territories around the world. It is clear that most security companies can provide a array of technological and physical protection services to owners of private yachts, which has primarily seen a marked increase in calls from owners, captains and managers about the security of private yachts that especially sail in and around the African continent. Further market research and a plethora of worldwide national and international reports suggest that many maritime security companies are receiving more requests for security consultations and VIP Maritime Security Protection from private yacht owners. However, some are still reluctant to invest in private yacht security teams as owners want the freedom and safety but without the hassle, leaving many with the “fingers crossed it wont happen to me approach” up until the inevitable happens and it becomes to late.

Whether chaperoning children to school or living and working alongside you and your crew on board your yacht, Eden can offer a fully licensed and highly qualified teams of security specialists who are extremely skilled and trained to detect, deter, delay or mitigate any potential threat should the situation present itself. They can also provide, your loved ones, officers and crew with the capabilities to help protect themselves, through either tailored or bespoke security awareness training that can not only empower all to recognise the potential risks, but raise a far greater awareness in order to remain vigilant and alert to conceivable threats.

By Philip O’Sullivan

December 13, 2016

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