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6 Ways to beat Anxiety

Many of us suffer from varying levels of anxiety at some point in our lives but quite often we fail to recognise the symptoms; stress over work, money or family matters are some of the main things that can turn a little general background worry into a sudden and extremely frightening panic. Often we don’t even know what caused it or how to deal with it. For some people, anxiety can become so frequent or so extreme that it begins to have a huge impact on their lives.

So how do we know if we suffering from anxiety?

Symptoms can range from regular insomnia, headaches and muscle pain right through, in extreme cases, to panic attacks, palpitations, and agoraphobia*. If you feel that you are suffering from the latter, more extreme symptoms you should consult a medical expert for help. If you generally feel like you are stressed and anxious far too often then there are some simple steps which we can all practice, in order to ease our lower level anxiety symptoms.

Calm time

Learning to step away from your anxiety as you feel it beginning to build is vital:

  • Practice breathing techniques – Breathe in deeply, hold the breath and then breathe out very slowly. Consciously continue for five minutes or until you are feeling calmer. The more you practise the easier it becomes.
  • Meditate – Just sitting silently and thinking of positive things can often be sufficient. Check out techniques online to find one which suits you best.

De-clutter your brain

Often the reason why we are worrying is because we feel we are under pressure to do too many things all at once and we begin to put off tasks, which then build up into a feeling of being overwhelmed.

  • Make a list of everything you need to achieve each day – having a list will relieve your brain of the stress of trying to remember everything.
  • Deal with the items one at a time – make the phone call, write the email and then you can cross those items off your list. You will feel a sense of achievement each time you conquer one job.

Eat well

Often when we feel stressed we reach for stodgy comfort foods. Unfortunately, these are more likely to clog our thinking. Try to aim for a good balance of nutritional foods which give you energy and brain clarity:

  • Fish, Eggs, Cheese – contain B vitamins
  • Oily fish and Seafood, – contain Omega-3
  • Nuts and seeds – Vitamin E
  • Green leafy veg – Spinach, Kale and Broccoli


Getting enough sleep is vital to having a clear brain so if you are suffering from insomnia try some calming techniques to make you sleepy:

  • Warm drink at bedtime
  • Avoiding screen time (laptops, phones, tablets, etc.) right before bedtime
  • Don’t have the above in your bedroom – blue light can disturb sleep
  • Reading
  • Calming music or white noise – look online for free apps

Smile and enjoy life

Often anxiety is work or financially based but you need to have some downtime and it needn’t be costly:

  • Spend time with friends or family just enjoying their company.
  • Watch a funny film or read an amusing book.
  • Listen to some music.
  • Take a drive to the coast or the countryside – a change of scene is great for clearing the mind.
  • Make a list of all the good and positive people and things that you have in your life.


Just being outdoors for a good period of time can be enough to calm you down.

  • Go for a good long walk and if you can get a friend to go too then you will have the added benefit of companionship.
  • Go for a cycle ride and explore the countryside.
  • Try team sports if possible – a good game of football with your mates may help to keep your anxiety in perspective.
  • Play with your children, if you have them – good rowdy run is great for getting things out of your system and helping you to laugh and relax.

We are all only human and often worry about things that we have no control over. Taking a few small steps to change our habits can help immensely to calm our thoughts down and lower our anxiety levels. However, it is important to remember that if you are becoming overwhelmed with negative thoughts or feeling like you really cannot cope then you should seek help immediately from a medical professional.

*Agoraphobia – actually means ‘fear of wide-open spaces’ but seems to manifest as a fear of the wider world. Sufferers often only feel safe and secure when they are in their own close environment.

May 5, 2017

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