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New Mother’s Top Tips for Feeding

If you are fortunate enough to have a Maternity Nurse or Nanny, then some of these tips they will know already and others you can share with them.

In the absence of being able to see friends and family, who would usually be the people you would turn to for advice, here are some great feeding tips and advice to help you get into a positive routine with your child: 

  1. It is worth remembering that babies under 12 months don’t need snacks. If you think your baby is hungry in between meals then the best advice is to offer them extra milk feeds instead.
  2. When you start thinking about offering your child some solid food (at around 6 months), it is best to start with grains and vegetables first before moving them on to trying fruits and higher protein foods. By doing it this way round you will stop them expecting that all food tastes sweet and they will get used to other flavours first.
  3. It is best to choose natural, wholefood first, before going ahead with processed foods such as jam or fruit juices.
  4. When introducing new foods, use timing to your advantage. Try and introduce new flavours and textures when they are most hungry!
  5. Try and follow your baby’s hunger levels and food preferences while at the same time seeking to gently expand their repertoire with high-quality, nutrient-rich choices.

By 12 months, hope fully they will be eating a wide variety of mashed foods such as:

  • avocado
  • asparagus or other green vegetables
  • puréed fresh fruit
  • eggs
  • mashed lentils/beans
  • meat, chicken, or mild-tasting fish
  1. Try and offer a variety of food at mealtimes which allows them to pick and choose a little bit!.
  2. Make mealtimes as regular as possible and make sure you sit at the table with them. Also, if siblings or the whole family are at the table too, let them see what everybody else is eating – create a bit of curiosity and they may just want to try something new!
  3. You can only do your best and of course this is good enough!

Parenting is undoubtedly hard work and every child is unique, so be prepared to try a few things and accept that not everything will work. There is no right or wrong way, just the way you chose to do things with your child.

Good luck!

July 13, 2020

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