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Random Acts of Kindness Week 2021

Take a deep breath. Open your eyes. Look up. Smile. Everything is going to be alright.

Even though we are all tired and pretty fed up, we can still remain resolute and hold fast in our belief that kindness really does matter.

From 14th – 20th February it is ‘Random Acts of Kindness Week’. This is a time to go outside your comfort zone and be loud with your kindness! Whatever you do, however small (and seemingly insignificant) it will be definitely be appreciated and will always contribute to making the world a better place. In the effort to add a little extra good to the world, it can be easy to overlook what’s right in front of your eyes. Take a moment to text, call, or email someone who means a lot to you or just let them know they are on your mind.

So, what are you waiting for?! The rest is up to you, but here are some ways to get started:

  • The best things in life are free…offer a kind word to a stranger, a helping hand for a neighbour, a smile for someone who looks like they need it, give up your seat and so on (you get the picture!)
  • Help out where it is not expected…make someone a cup of tea/coffee, defrost/de-ice their car as a surprise, phone or email
  • Send a picture to a friend of something that reminds you of them
  • Video chat with a friend who is feeling sad, overwhelmed by lockdown or lonely
  • Engage in a silly, emoji-only chat with a friend or family member
  • Support if/where you can. You may have personal experience of topics such as depression, debt, aging parents, pregnancy/motherhood fears and many other life challenges. Carve out a few minutes in your day to offer whatever help might be appropriate

Thank you for thinking of others and I hope someone thinks of you in return.

February 14, 2021

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